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2020 Has Been Interesting

We're going to talk about the world for a second here... What the fuck is going on? First, this virus that's getting everyone, no matter age, health, or however OCD you think you are, EVERYONE is getting this virus. China and Italy are shut down. Trump put a 60 day ban on flying overseas. Kids are home for 3 weeks, people who can work from home are doing so (lucky bastards). I work at a drive thru, I handle money all of the time. If someone with a dollar has the virus and the dollar was passed to someone else or directly to me, even. It's bad enough I have a minor sore throat, likely caused by running back and forth stocking coolers(fingers crossed). Back in 2009 people freaked out over H1N1 but we weren't running out of toilet paper in supermarkets. It was a mild case of human influenza that, according to, was "a pandemic that is now a regular  human flu virus and continues to circulate worldwide." How this has been affecting me: I've put

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